Spring Maintenance Sets Off an Upsurge, Road Appearance and Road Appearance Have a New Look


Spring Maintenance Sets Off An Upsurge, Road Appearance And Road Appearance Have A New Look

Since February, the Municipal Highway Business Development Center has seized the favorable opportunity of rising temperatures in spring and fully launched the spring maintenance battle of ordinary trunk roads. The county and district highway departments have responded positively and organized manpower and material resources to carry out road shoulder renovation, greening management and maintenance, and side ditches. Maintenance work such as cleaning and maintenance of facilities along the line will further optimize the road traffic environment and improve the service level of roads and highways.

Spring Maintenance Sets Off An Upsurge, Road Appearance And Road Appearance Have A New Look

Repair potholes:

Renovate road shoulders and improve road appearance. Continue to carry out the construction of standardized road shoulders, and generally achieve flat and solid shoulders, stable slopes, and smooth drainage. Points lead to areas, and the overall road appearance and service level of the highway are comprehensively improved. Concentrate on the standardized renovation of road shoulders, slopes, and side ditches, and repair collapses, gaps, and irregular edges in a timely manner to maintain smooth edge lines and natural transitions.

Asphalt joints.

Repair potholes in time to prolong the service life of road surfaces and bridges. Strengthen the concepts of timely maintenance, scientific maintenance, and preventive maintenance, and formulate maintenance measures to achieve full coverage of disease treatment that affects road traffic, further standardize and strengthen the repair of road surface cracks, potholes and other diseases, and do a good job in expanding, cleaning, and filling work , Grouting treatment should be carried out on the road sections that need grouting to prolong the service life of the road surface. Do a good job in the investigation of dangerous and old bridges and the management of bridges and culverts. All counties and districts organize inspections and inspections in a timely manner, focusing on minor repairs and maintenance of non-structural bridges and culverts.
Strengthen the management and protection of road greening, and comprehensively renovate road sections in villages and towns. Increase greening efforts on road shoulders and slopes, remove dead trees and replant them in time, and eliminate missing trees and rows. Rectify crooked road trees, replant defective road trees, prune road trees on the original road, and strengthen the prevention and control of road tree diseases and insect pests. Carry out comprehensive improvement of highways in villages and towns, the trunk roads pass through villages and towns without road occupation, no garbage on the road surface and side ditches, no piles of building materials, and the appearance of the road is clean. Continue to strengthen the greening management of road sections around the city, passing through villages and towns and markets, and further improve the traffic environment of arterial roads.


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